Lack of funding and resources make it difficult for many musical arts programs to develop. Your support promotes music as a God-given gift for all peoples and nations.

Your Donation Will…

  • Create powerful leadership relationships

  • Reach across cultural and national borders

  • Assist schools, colleges, universities, churches, and local organizations within diverse socio-economic communities

  • Develop educational resources through seminars, rehearsals, clinics, and diverse projects

  • Equip church leaders and music educators through specialized teaching and service

  • Foster excellence in creation and performance of the musical arts

  • Support performance groups both locally and internationally


Impact Communities
Across the Globe





Southern California


South Korea


Upcoming Events


Music Across Borders Benefit Concert

Sunday, August 29, 2pm

Anaheim United Methodist Church

1000 S. State College Blvd

Anaheim, CA 92806